The Mandala Workshop – Opengate Project 2014
led by Ioana Violet from Artees association
Mandala Workshop
Artees met three times during the project, Italian partners (Laboratorio del Cittadino and Italia Nostra Onlus) and developed artistic and educational activities in projects such as the Comenius Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme « The Grand Tour in Europe, landscapes, gardens, art, creativity and innovation »
What is « Mandala »?
Which are the techniques proposed in workshops, for Grundtvig partnerships?
The mandala is a circular centred form, subdivided by smaller modules, which has a rich metaphorical value.
In art therapy Mandala can be used for its expressive possibilities related to the articulation of shapes, colours, different volumes and rhythms. As archetypal form Mandala can take a personal private form or be conducted in groups, while following different techniques, using various materials, as well as specific physical engagement, as appropriate for each technique. (There are also mandala dances, drawn paths to walk in, 3D constructions etc.)
This type of device enables each participant to be confronted with complex feelings. For example: the notion of emptiness, or other feelings of anxiety, or fear of the empty sheet occurring because of the absence of an external model. On the positive side, rebalancing these fears becomes possible through the support of a circular already given space. In carrying out the mandala is important to keep attention focused on ideas such as: transformation and transition from one stage to another. Filling the Mandala by achieving concentric circles placed one after another is always performed in a space that appears safe and containing, since the periphery is defined in advance.
Learning a simple technique such as Mandala, allows reassessing the responsibility of everyone in his work, for a better integration to the group. It stimulates exchanges with peers on practical or artistic issues, refines listening and group cohesion, while dealing with a collective project with individual components.